The StadiaX platform will support various kinds of loyalty rewards. StadiaX Alpha and Beta Memberships can be held with GamePasses and EventPasses for rewards. While “holding for rewards” (rewards holding), assets cannot be transferred. The blockchain confirms reward holding has begun, and the user can still go to play some games on StadiaX using the held NFT if required.
Rewards holding StadiaX NFTs will allow the holder to earn a proportional share of the StadiaX rewards for the loyalty period. Rewards will include STADX Tokens and any designated extra reward such as GamePasses, EventPasses or, NFTs contributed by a third-party. The loyalty reward pool for a period is determined by StadiaX Web3 Gaming Corp according to a schedule of token emissions and contributions per period. At the end of every loyalty period, the holder accumulates (to be claimed) their share of the rewards, depending on the proportional value of the combo of assets held. The more assets a user holds, the greater the portion of rewards they receive. The reward curve will favour larger bundles of held items over smaller bundles to gamify and reward the holding of promoted NFT collections.
Consumed EventPasses (where the Event has been completed) can be held for loyalty program rewards the same as upcoming or current EventPasses.
StadiaX will collaborate with third-party NFT collection creators to support reward holding of their NFTs via the StadiaX platform to allow their holders to earn StadiaX GamePasses.
Initially, only GamePasses and consumed EventPasses will be used to power reward holding, but additional StadiaX Project Contributors and community-added collections will be added over time to expand the pool of tokens that can be held to earn rewards.
Use Cases Example
A user mints an Alpha tier Membership. They then mint a GamePass for one of the currently active games. Before starting to play the game to try and set a high score on their GamePass, the user first commits their membership to the loyalty program to start earning STADX Tokens passively while they play the game. They visit the loyalty program control page on the StadiaX platform and select the Membership they wish to use as well as the loyalty-enabled NFTs in their wallet and confirm the reward holding operation with their wallet. The more GamePass NFTs a user bundles to hold with their Membership, the more STADX Tokens they will earn. While held, both the Membership and the reward-held NFTs cannot be transferred. The blockchain confirms reward holding has begun, and the user can still go to play games on StadiaX with their NFTs.
After a few hours of gaming, the user returns to their loyalty program control centre and can observe the amount of STADX they’ve earned. The user then has the option to withdraw earned tokens at any time.
Last updated