Our Position

Why Us?

StadiaX utilizes cutting-edge blockchain technology to enable users to earn useful rewards. The platform opens this opportunity up to a massive number of gaming developers by additionally providing an API and SDK platform for game developers to unlock the power of Web3 with no additional technical knowledge required. The API and SDK provided by StadiaX abstract the Web3 implementation away from the game developer, allowing them to interact with blockchain technologies using simple Web2 APIs and a series of customizable smart contract templates. Gaming rewards can be taken outside the StadiaX ecosystem and utilized in whatever ways the users want. Users are no longer restricted by the confines of what a game publisher mandates.

For example, users can compete together in a Game Event on StadiaX and take the NFT they win at the end and utilize it in a platform completely independent of StadiaX. Furthermore, the StadiaX platform rewards skilled users by providing them ranking within tokens (GamePasses and EventPasses) they can sell on secondary markets to maximize the value of their gaming skills in ways that traditional publishers aren’t even offering as an option.

Finally, the StadiaX platform allows users who have minted a StadiaX Membership NFT to earn additional StadiaX platform tokens (loyalty rewards) by holding their Membership, GamePasses, and EventPasses. While centralized publishers may provide users with an in-game currency and rewards concept, they do not allow users to take custody of their tokens. StadiaX provides users with earnings opportunities that are simply not possible using centralized technology, such as platform loyalty rewards.

The StadiaX platform can ensure the STADX Token economy is sustainable by establishing transparent rules and structures for the distribution of STADX utilized to play Open or Event Games. The utilized tokens may be added (in reserve) in a ratio to offset the excess amounts earned by loyalty program activities to ensure that there would be sufficient reserves to continue reward programs for early adopters and loyalty program members. StadiaX enables Membership holders to vote on operational topics and contribute to the ecosystem rules in a DAO-like format to ensure a fair incentive system for community members.

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